Everything I've written so far
These are all the posts in the site, in chronological order:
I'll keep carrying my Leatherman
Radiation emergency
Atomic fascination
My favorite NYC building, as a metaphor for software I like
Oh but users don't know what they want
Font journey (or, in praise of Berkeley Mono)
Old is new: movies with live music
Black Mesa - a (short?) (pre)review
Microsoft never changes
Minibuffer completion - an update
Core computer memories and music discovery
My RPi projects - surprise, there are no projects!
Emacs: using default minibuffer completion
Friday Company
When to write a library
Emacs vc-mode tutorial
Post about blogging trap
Emacs: undo magic
Edward Platt and timeless comedy
Modern laptop gripes
Slice of life sequence
Less tabs and more "back"
Emacs config: big or small
This morning
A fresh start
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