Stop recommending WSL for Emacs on Windows

Published 2024-11-27

tag(s): #overblown-minor-annoyances #emacs

The title should more accurately be "don't be so quick to recommend WSL for Emacs users on Windows, ask some questions first!".
I think this is somewhat specific to the Emacs subreddit, but I don't participate in other Emacs-related forums.

Every single time someone says "I use Windows and..." doesn't matter what comes next, there will be a highly upvoted answer about how WSL is gonna solve all the problems. I replied a few times explaining why this is not necessarily true, but I figure an advantage of having a site is that I can write something longer and start linking to it :)

Beginner Emacs users

If someone is a new Emacs user, before recommended WSL we must first know how familiar they are with Linux.
This should be obvious, but: dealing with learning Linux, and whatever peculiarities WSL adds on top of Linux, and also learning Emacs, is a very tall mountain to climb.
Are there some features of Emacs that don't work in Windows? Yes, but the problems can be circumvented in most cases.

No ansi-term

Most Windows users are not as heavy users of the terminal, so unless you know the person asking for help is one, it won't matter. There's also eshell, and the regular shell that work just fine.

No find or grep

These can be circumvented by installing alternatives via scoop, Chocolatey, using the versions that come with Git, or just downloading the executables from the amazing ezwinports project, and a little configuration:

(setq grep-program (expand-file-name "c:/pathto/grep.exe")
      find-program (expand-file-name "c:/pathto/find.exe"))

I will add other more notes here, in future updates to this post :)

Corporate users

Generally speaking, most users won't have administrative access, and won't be able to install or use WSL anyway. Ask first if that's an option.
Even when they do, usually some (horrible) proprietary tool might keep them tied to Windows anyway. Or they need to access company resources that are in a shared drive, SharePoint site[1], etc.

The elephant in the room: Magit

This is the one that doesn't have a proper fix. Magit will be much slower in Windows than Linux. You can just endure it, or try Emacs' built-in vc-mode for a very nice subset of Magit's features. I did the latter, eventually, and wrote an basic tutorial too.

Lately I've been experimenting with using the Emacs server and editing commit messages and rebasing on Windows:

;; for git rebase, it is different than the Linux command
(setenv "GIT_EDITOR" (expand-file-name "~/emacs/bin/emacsclientw.exe -r"))

(defun hoagie-vc-git-interactive-rebase ()
      "Do an interactive rebase against another branch.
This command needs the Emacs server running and GIT_EDITOR properly set,
on Windows. And I need to test it on Linux =P"
      (vc-git-command "*git rebase -i*" 'async nil "rebase" "-i"
                      (completing-read "Rebase target: "
                                       (cdr (vc-git-branches)))))

(This reminded me I need to test this command on Linux...)

There's no one-size-fits-all

The way people recommended using WSL feels strangely cultish to me. If I had a received that advice back in 2016, I wouldn't be an Emacs user right now.
The environment in which I was then was extremely locked down. Just running Emacs, without installing anything, raised a few eyebrows. Yet I was able to be productive[2], and it started me down the path of caring about free software.

Maybe that's why I feel it is always worth it to make Windows users feel welcomed and help them overcome any challenges in their setups. I was in their shoes no that long ago. Or, very recently in Emacs years :)

  1. 🤢
  2. After learning a few keybindings :)

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