Coldplay and completionism

Published 2025-03-14

tag(s): #random-thoughts #music

Day is kinda grey and I opted for "my" Coldplay playlist.
I have this thing where I like to listen to an artist's discography and create my own playlist with the songs I like. In some cases it is quite the undertaking, which I guess that's why I still haven't tried with Elton John 🤣 despite liking his music, generally.

Anyway, I settled for Coldplay, except that my version of their music is the first three records. And leaning heavily on the first two. Spies just came up and it was the perfect track for a gloomy Friday morning.

I was somewhat anticipating the release of "Viva la vida"[1], their fourth album. And when I finally listened to it a couple weeks after it came out, didn't really get into it. And I tried a couple more times over the years, and it does nothing for me.

Which is fine, except that I have this silly thing where I still haven't listened to their later releases. Because when I think of doing it, I figure I should give "Viva la vida" one more try, and then I get bored with it, and then I just listen to something else.

Since lately I've been a bit more aware of some frankly dumb compulsions I have, this "completionist, all or nothing" is one that I should probably change.

For example, I did the same thing with the Devil May Cry video games.
After I played (and loved) Bayonetta, I looked for similar games, and the same designer created the DMC series before leaving Capcom[2] so I got the DMC Collection. But the first game was not much like Bayonetta...and then I dropped the whole series.
I know that the third game is lauded as the best one, and I don't particularly care for the story (I skipped about half the cutscenes in Bayonetta...), so I am missing out just because I "have to" play the first two games.

I've done this with movies, other music artists and probably other video game series too, and it is silly. I guess I'll give the latter Coldplay records a listen in the coming days...

  1. I just checked, the album was released in 2008...over 15 years ago 🤯
  2. All the cool kids call Devil May Cry just DMC. Let's not look up when those games where released >_>

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