Published 2024-07-30
tag(s): #emacs #replies
On the heels of a reddit thread "Who else is also trying a minimal Emacs config?" [1] (where the author mentions they "still have over 500 lines" even after dropping packages), jcs over at Irreal [2] made a post and considers...
I sometimes comment on the blog, but given that I now have my own site :) why not answer over here and document my current thoughts on the issue at (some) length.[...]that on the contrary a large configuration is a sign of users who have—probably over time—made the effort to optimize Emacs for their particular workflow. That a large configuration is, in fact, a sign of a serious—and possibly master—Emacs user.
On reflection, I don’t understand what those desiring a minimal conjuration are seeking or why they’re seeking it.
Here is my own journey with configuration and dependencies, in three broad stages:
One interesting side effect of using less external dependencies, is that for all the
overlapping ways of doing things in Emacs, all the sub-systems and layers over layers of
packages accumulated over SO MANY years...there's a surprising degree of
internal consistency in how things work.
And that's what, for me, feels like (beginning to grasp) Emacs mastery, seeing that consistency and the internal Emacs patterns emerging, once you accept it "as is". A lot of the defaults I disliked and modified, extra bindings, etc. going away as I do things (one of) The Emacs Way(s).
One could argue that someone achieves mastery when their config is less than 500 lines (mine
is far from that, at 1700ish) and all their bindings are defaults.
Or the opposite, like jcs suggests, that each little line of the configuration is a breadcrumb
that shows the length and depth of your journey.
At the end of the day, with a tool as broad as Emacs, used by software developers but also accountants, lawyers, scriptwriters, etc. it's hard to define what mastery is, as everyone's objective is so different.
Even among the developer ranks, we have a variety of visions of what we want our editor to be. It is a marvel that Emacs can fulfill all of them equally.
At the end of the day, no matter which path you chose, this reply in the original reddit post hits the nail in the head:
I ain't droppin' a line, my whole identity is in that init file :)
- /u/mok000/