Now with RSS

Published 2024-11-12

tag(s): #blogging #meta

In the name of simplicity, or maybe laziness (or both), I didn't have an RSS feed on this site.
But now TWO different people asked if I had a feed since I started writing here.
That's about 2 more people than I expected to have as an audience.

I mean, I am happy if people read what I write! And of course I enjoy the idea. But I am also trying really hard to keep this blogging thing going as something I do because I enjoy writing, and because it is good for me. As I've said in previous entries: getting out of the constant external validation from social media.

Anyway, back to the feed, it is located here and I am adding a direct link in the homepage for apps to auto-detect.

All articles have the same publishing time, which caused a couple recent articles to show out of order in the app I used for testing, but I rarely do more than one article per day (usually even less than that) so I don't think it is a big deal.
Also the footnote links are broken in the test reader app, but I used this format specifically because it was listed as being accessibility-friendly. So I don't think I am going to change it.

Just like with the site's HTML, the feed's XML is generated via scripts and manual intervention. And I still think this is good enough and that I don't need some sort of magic generator or (gasp!) a dynamic website.
We'll see how long this lasts...

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