My 30 minutes experience with "consumer grade" Windows 11

Published 2024-11-10

tag(s): #reviews #failures

Let me preface by saying I have terrible biases against Windows, and this is not an objective review, just a recount of my own impressions and how I felt as these events happened.

Today, I had to log in my son's laptop with my own account, which I set up way back when we configured our "Microsoft Family"[1]. Since then, a bunch of updates came through, and it seems like this triggered a "new user" flow.

I clicked on my user name in the log in screen, , typed my pin, and then....a pop up. "What are you going to use this computer for?" How about as little as possible hahahaha. Then I high five'd myself. In my imagination.
But what I really did was skim the options, then see there was a "Skip" button, and click it.

So another pop up appears, "Store more with OneDrive". I figured this thing should already be synchronized with the OneDrive in the account, then realized it wanted me to buy additional storage.
I rarely use this computer, only to install stuff for the kiddo. And If I need to store something, I'd rather use my little Fastmail thingy[2] or...any method really, rather than OneDrive. So I find the option to continue.

Next pop up! Recently re-branded (or, I think it was recent) Microsoft 365! "Do you want to get that, too?". At this point I am confused as I was sure Office Microsoft 365 included OneDrive, why not offer Office first? Anyway, I search a button to "skip", "decline", "maybe later", etc. and carry on.

And there was one more pop up! I can't recall what was it about. Maybe it was just help, but at this point I was so done with all this. The only reason I logged in is because when trying to use the phone's browser (Firefox) to approve the installation, it really insisted I should install the app, and the page kept reloading.

And, I get. Not so long ago, I would have said to a user with this same story, "just install the app and be happy, why can't you be happy? The app Just Works."

But in the last few years, my views and expectations on how a device and its associated software should work have changed. A lot. And this parade of pop ups and up selling of services ain't it.
Also, installing "the app" on my phone just because you can't code a decent browser experience for something as simple as an authorizing a purchase isn't a real solution. So out of principle, no, I won't install it.

At least the Win11 I use at work doesn't have all this crap. Although a fresh install has the lock screen with news, and taskbar with weather, and of course Copilot. So it isn't exactly pristine. But it is miles ahead of what most people are getting on their personal devices.

I was gonna tag this #overblown-minor-annoyances, but it isn't minor nor overblown. I left this interaction feeling pretty sad that people have to deal with this BS constantly.

  1. By the way, this is the only part of the experience that is good, the parental controls.
  2. A simple WebDAV store. That I can access from Cambalache, of course.

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