You should message me at
I don't mind plain text mesages, but if you prefer PGP, here is my key:
A659 27B2 2A60 F72A 53D7 7CD7 EF7D AC84 163D 7A83
(full key)
My name is Sebastián. I was born in Argentina in the early 80s, residing in the USA since 2014. Father, Emacser, Lisper, Pythonista, C#er.
Software developer by day, and sometimes by night too. I love animation, video games, reading, football (AKA soccer) and useless facts. I am a...let's say, ardent supporter 🤣 of Colorado Rapids and Vélez Sarsfield.
Someday I will write a detailed "about page". Until I link it here, you can email me your questions. It's OK, I really enjoy correspondence :)
Just an old nickname :) taken from a videogame character.
This page's design is heavily based on
Sijmen’s homepage.
If anything,
you should visit the site for
this great list of
text-only/very lightweight resources.